Alternative Funding Yields Big Savings
If your company’s employee benefits cost is taking up a lion’s share of your operating budget, we may be able to help. With experts on staff with considerable experience in helping clients to get control over their health insurance expenditures, we can work with you to develop a thoughtful, tailor-fit strategy that will allow you to continue offering a competitive benefit package to your employees at a price you can be comfortable with.
Read here for a case study on how we handled a situation like this for one of our clients.
Digging Deeper at Renewal Time
At Advanced Benefits Group, LLC, we do more than shop plans at renewal. By taking the time to understand our client’s philosophies as they pertain to employee benefits and keeping abreast of pertinent developments in any of their major day to day developments, we are better prepared to provide them with the competitive advantages they seek in the benefits marketplace.
Read here for a case study on how we handled a situation like this for one of our clients.
Review And Analysis Reveals Need For Change
Business owners today often feel pressured to act when employee benefit costs increase each year, but often don’t know where to start in their attempt to reign in expenses. Often times, a detailed review and analysis is needed to reveal weaknesses in cost containment initiatives. At Advanced Benefits Group, LLC, we have the staff, knowledge and resources to successfully recommend and implement strategic changes to achieve your desired results.
Read here for a case study on how we handled a situation like this for one of our clients.
Turning Away From Self Insurance
Many larger companies have turned to self-insurance in an effort to stem rapidly rising insurance costs. Although this is a sound strategy for many businesses, it may not work for all.
Read here for a case study on how we handled a situation like this for one of our clients.